*For* *Your* *Comprehensive* *proposals* *and* *Bankable* *Business* *plans/Feasibility* *reports* :
Let's package your detailed and professionally written business plans, compelling proposals, Action Plans, Reports, Project works etc to help you get business grants, loans, attract investments and properly structure your businesses/projects.
We write bankable and comprehensive professional business plans/proposals with detailed financial flows in various profitable businesses/projects tailored towards banks' standards and loans/grants.
Do you need a business plan/proposal of any standard in any business/project, here we are strategically and professionally positioned for you.
*©Rhino* *Partners* *Int'l* *Consulting* *Ltd* .
*Kingdom* *Kampala* *Building*
We also help businesses/projects make informed decisions through in-depth Research, Business Development and Bankable Financial models that can enable you minimize risks. We also help you register your business name or company, Trade Marks, returns etc with relevant authorities.